your data with Thoughtview
Attitudes, beliefs and feelings
are abstract and hard to visualize. ThoughtView™ makes them visible.
You can actually view the main attitudes and beliefs of any person or
group of people, in color and 3D, graphically on your computer screen.
Full motion graphics let you see models from every angle, compare different
people and groups at a glance.
Visual display of complex data.
Bring data alive by displaying
complex concepts and relationships with animated 3-D plotting! ThoughtView
allows for perceptual analysis that communicates ideas much better
than stats printouts, spreadsheets or hard-copy charts and graphs.
3-D modeling or planning.
Use powerful, interactive 3D computer graphics
to plan strategies. See clearly how you can change attitudes to achieve
the result you want.
The ThoughtView
Reader is Free!
The Galileo Company grants you the right
to use the software and/or other materials for your own personal use,
but retains ownership and all rights associated with ownership. You
may not distribute the material, rename it or bundle it with any for
profit components. You may distribute copies of the material if you
acknowledge it is the property of The Galileo Company which retains
all ownership rights, and if the person(s) to whom it is given agree
to abide by the terms of this license. All copies which you distribute
must display this copyright notice prominently.
*This program works on all OS versions of 32 bit (not 64) windows (not mac) machines. more information here.
read the license, and agree to abide by it (Download:
- 5.53MB)
