The Galileo Systemtm is a complete set of software for the measurement, display and engineering
of cognitive systems. It can measure the attitudes and beliefs of individuals,
groups, markets and market segments, and whole cultures with great precision,
and it provides algorithms to develop strategies to change attitudes
and beliefs precisely.
Microgaltm converts Galileo data into a coordinate reference frame which
forms the basis for precise comparisons within and across data sets
and over time. Unlike other algorithms that project data onto coordinates,
such as factor analysis, principle components analysis, multi-dimensional
scaling and such, Galileo coordinates are not a simplification or approximation,
but an exact representation of the raw data. Galileo coordinates always
represent the actual values of the data exactly, not just the first
two or three or six dimensions, not just the standardized values, or
the rank orders, as do these other procedures.
Why is the Galileo coordinate reference frame so useful? Frst, the coordinates
provide a powerful basis for mathematical calculations like those in
ASGtm, the Automatic Strategy Generator. If you need to change attitudes
or beliefs, you can tell ASG what attitude you want to change, and ASG
will tell you which are the most effective persuasive strategies available,
and exactly how effective they are.
An even more important advantage is the ability to compare perceptions,
attitudes and beliefs across different reference frames. By now it’s
a truism that every person and culture perceives the world through a
unique reference frame, and that perceptions can’t be conpared
across different reference framse. But, once they have been projected
onto Galileo coordinates, ROTATEtm can tranform the perceptions of any
number of persons, cultures or time periods onto the same Galileo reference
frame, so that they may be compared directly, freed of the effects of
relative reference frames.
Utilities :
The Galileo
system begins with AQMtm,
the Automated Questionnaire Maker, which automates the process of designing
a ratio scaled magnitude estimation complete pair comparison questionnaire.
This is the most precise questionnaire known in psychometrics, but very
tedious to make by hand. AQMtm can make one in seconds.
Next is ELQMtm, the Electronic Questionnaire Maker, which automatically
creates all the files needed for a Galileotm project, and SPEDtm, the
Simplified Program for Entering Data, which automates the entry of data.
Combined with AllSplittm, a power andful data splitting utility that
splits data on values, ranges, and even on open ended text, these three
programs provide a complete data collection, entry manipulation utility
that’s custom made specifically for Galileo data.
Galileo is widely used in election campaigns, and can not only generate
effective campaign strategies, but can also estimate the percentage
of the vote each candidate will receive with the program BALLOT. Or,
you can express the distances in the Galileo space as tables with the
program TABLES.
Once you become expert at Galileo, you will certainly want RAH5.6, the
most powerful and flexible of all the Galileo programs. Modified from
the original legacy FORTRAN mainframe Galileo program, RAH5.6 can carry
out the most complicated Galileo procedures easily and quickly.
NOTICE: The Galileo Program and its elements are the legacy of four decades of research. None of the code was written to be marketed for profit -- all of it was written by scientists for scientists. It's not pretty.
Crude, but effective, as the immortal RAH would say...
Products :
*These programs work on all OS versions of 32 bit (not 64) windows (not mac) machines.
More information here.
Microgal Student
(Includes ASG, ROTATE) $ 29.00
Microgal Academic (Includes ASG, ROTATE) $
Microgal Professional (Includes ASG, ROTATE)
$ 295.00
RAH5.6 Student
(Includes Intergal) $ 39.00
RAH5.6 Academic (Includes Intergal) $ 195.00
RAH5.6 Professional (Includes Intergal) $
Galileo Student
(Includes all Galileo software plus shell)
$ 49.00
Galileo Academic (Includes all Galileo software
plus shell)
$ 249.00
Galileo Professional (Includes all Galileo
software plus shell)
$ 595.00
The Galileo Company grants you the right
to use the software and/or other materials for your own personal use,
but retains ownership and all rights associated with ownership. You
may not distribute the material, rename it or bundle it with any for
profit components. You may distribute copies of the material if you
acknowledge it is the property of The Galileo Company which retains
all ownership rights, and if the person(s) to whom it is given agree
to abide by the terms of this license. All copies which you distribute
must display this copyright
read the license, and agree to abide by it . Download Galileo Cati System.
A complete cati system custom made for Galileo Data. Includes ELQM,
AQM, SPED, and ALLSPLIT Download Free
I've read the license, and agree to abide
by it . Download Ballot: predicts share of vote or market from Galileo
data Download Free
I've read the license, and agree to abide
by it . Download Tables: makes tables of means and z-scores from
Galileo data Download Free
I've read the license, and agree to abide
by it . Download Galileo*PLOT (DOS based graphics program with an
excellent tutorial to demonstrate how Galileo spaces are visualized)
Download Free
Galileo*SPOT (A neural network tutorial that learns to converse) Download
Galileo*ROVER (Spot’s smarter sibling -- get SPOT first, though)
Download Free
Coordinate files
to demonstrate on Galileo*PLOT or ThoughtV iew:
I've read the license, and agree to abide by it . Download Showbiz.crd
(Several show business figures) Download Free
I've read the license, and agree to abide
by it. Download Males.crd (Election of Bush Senior) Download Free
I've read the license, and agree to
abide by it. Download females.crd (Election of Bush Senior) Download
I've read the license, and agree to abide
by it. Download autos.crd Download Free
I've read the license, and agree to abide
by it. Download combo.crd (English and Hindi emotions) Download
I've read the license, and agree to abide
by it. Download suv.crd (SUV’s and their attributes) Download
Got any interesting crds to
show us? Email them to jwoelfel@galileoco.com
and you may see them here.
All prices per single desktop
or laptop workstation.
