CatPac II
is an intelligent program that can read any text and summarize its main
ideas. It needs no precoding and makes no linguistic assumptions. It has a distinguished record of research with publications in many of the world's foremost journals worldwide.
Precise, Objective
Text Analysis
By far, the largest body of data on the planet is text. Unlike numerical
or categorical scales, text allows people to express themselves in any
way they wish. But the analysis of text is particularly time consuming
and subject to the biases of the reader. Catpac overcomes both these
Clustering / Coding :
is fast! Use it to read too much text, like the feedback from popular
websites -- text that usually goes unread because you can't afford the
time or people to read it all. Unlike ordinary text analysis software,
CATPAC doesn't require you to make up a coding scheme -- it's fully
can read any language that can be coded into ASCII or RTF. Developed
by an internationally renowned scientist, CATPAC is used all over the
world in business, government, and scientific research. CATPAC is supported
by a large and growing list of scientific and scholarly publications
in leading refereed journals, books, theses and dissertations worldwide.
Hints :
The Catpac Manual supplied on your disk has lots of useful information, and it’s well worth reading. But there’s no reason not to play with the software before reading the manual. Here are a few helpful hints that will make your introduction to Catpac II simpler and more fun:
1. Never open a new file. You need to open an existing file in which your text already resides. Clicking the “new file” icon will cause the program to crash.
2. Don’t print from Catpac. Instead, copy your results to MS Word, WordPerfect or another word processor. Do the same with ThoughtView pictures. Instead of printing them, copy them to the clipboard and paste them into the same MS Word file as your dendograms. Then write your paper or report around the results. You’ll be finished much sooner, and you’ll save some trees.
3. Although the default number of unique words is 25, try 40. Forty words will just fit on one page without rolling over to a new page, and 40 words is not too many to make a nice picture in ThoughtView.
4. If your ThoughtView plot is cluttered in the middle with a few outlying points, try the LOG button. It should spread things out nicely. If that doesn't spread out the middle enough, try adding the most extreme (far out) words to the exclude file.
5. The settings for ThoughtView are a compromise that permits good viewing on your screen plus a printable picture. You can optimize for the screen or for printing by changing fonts and colors. Try an 8pt or even a 6pt arial white for an elegant screen display.
6. Have fun. This program is meant to be enjoyed.
7. Email for advice. We are here to help.
Notice: These are all the same program. Different pricing reflects discounts for academic and student use.
This program works on all OS versions of 32 bit (not 64) windows (not mac) machines. *
CATPAC II Plus for Windows
- $595
CATPAC II Plus for Windows
5 Station License - $2495
Catpac II Academic Version
- $295
Catpac II Student Version
- $49
*please note for 64 bit pcs to emulate 32 bit pcs you will need both windows virtual machine and windows XP (link below). Windows XP mode is only available free of charge to users of Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions. More information here.
