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Journal |
114 |
Haller, A. Labour market segmentation variables net of other regressors. |
92 |
Haller, A., & Olsen, W. (1951). Courses in preparation for marriage in 113 colleges and universities. In Alpha Kappa Delta Quarterly (XXII) 1, 7-10. |
86 |
Haller, A. (1953). Ethnicity and social honor. Reprint from Alpha Kappa Deltan (XXIII) 3, 15-19. |
110 |
Sewell, W., & Marshall, D., & Haller, A., & DeHart, W. (1953). Factors associated with attitude toward high-school education in rural Wisconsin. Reprint from Rural Sociology. (18) 4, 359-365. |
91 |
Sewell, W., & Haller, A. (1956). Social status and the personality adjustment of the child. Reprinted from Sociometry (19) 2, 114-125. |
87 |
Sewell, W., & Haller, A., & Straus, M. (1957). Social status and educational and occupational aspiration. In American sociological review: Official journal of the American Sociological Society (22) 1, 67-73. |
89 |
Haller, A. (1957). The influence of planning to enter farming on plans to attend college. Reprint from Rural Sociology (22) 2. |
90 |
Haller, A., & Sewell, W. (1957). Farm residence and levels of educational and occupational aspiration. In American journal of Sociology. (LXII) 4, 407-411. |
88 |
Haller, A. (1958). Research problems on the occupational achievement levels of farm-reared people. Reprint from Rural Sociology (23) 4, 355-362. |
115 |
Deutschmann, P.J., & Haller, A. (1958). Proposals for international communications. Seminar in International Communications. |
102 |
Haller, A., & Bray, B. (1959). Attitudes of American students differentially liked by Latin American students. In Personnel and Guidance Journal. 217-221. |
97 |
Haller, A. (1959). Planning to farm: A social psychological interpretation. Reprint from Social forces. (37) 3, 263-268. |
113 |
Sewell, W., & Haller, A. (1959). Factors in the relationship between social status and the personality adjustment of the child. Reprint from American sociological review. (24) 4, 511-520. |
85 |
Haller, A. (1960). The occupational achievement process of farm-reared youth in urban industrial society. Rural Sociology. (25), 321-333. |
96 |
Haller, A., & Butterworth, C.E. (1960). Peer influences on levels of occupational and educational aspiration. Reprint from Social forces. (38) 4, 289-295. |
95 |
Haller, A. (1961). The urban family (letter to the editor). In The American journal of sociology.(LXVI) 621-622. |
93 |
Franz, V.R.W., & Haller, A. (1962). Attitudes of people in locally-owned cooperatives toward mergers with large cooperatives. Final report of the Department of sociology and antropology. Michigan State Agricultural Experiment Station |
94 |
Haller, A. (1962). "New" social sciences in the Brasilian rural university. In Sociologia (XXIV) 4. [translated from portuguese]. |
101 |
Burchinal, L., Haller, A., Taves, M. (1962). Career choices of rural youth in a changing society. North Central Regional Publication No. 142. Farm Foundation and U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, cooperating. Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota. |
107 |
Haller, A., & Burchinal, L., & Taves, M. (1963). Rural youth need help in choosing occupations. Michigan State University, East Lansing. |
140 |
Haller, A. O., and Miller, I. (1963). The occupational aspiration scale: Theory, structure, and correlates. Agricultural Experiment Station, Technical Bulletin 288, Michigan State University. [note: this paper is presently NOT optical character read so you cannot search by word (made file too large); to use FIND, see item #60 for 1971 printing from 1979] |
103 |
Lewis, D., & Haller, A. (1964). Rural-urban differences in pre-industrial and industrial evaluations of occupations by Japanese adolescent boys. Rural Sociology (29) 3, 324-329. |
74 |
Haller, A. (1969). Social psychology: Action, personality, and social structure. Paper prepared for Annual meetings of the Ohio Valley Sociological Society. [Revised version, originally written in 1964]. |
112 |
Miller, I., & Haller, A. (1964). A measure of level of occupational aspiration. In: Personnel and guidance journal. 448-455. |
106 |
Jarrett, W., & Haller, A. (1964). Situational and personal antecedents of incipient alienation: An explanatory study. In Genetic psychology monographs (69), 151-191. |
133 |
Burchinal, L. (1965). Educational and occupational perspectives of farm and rural youth. In Rural youth in crisis: Facts, myths, and social change. Washington D.C., U.S. Government printing office. [based on work by A.O. Haller and W.H. Sewell]. |
138 |
Haller, A. (1965). The scope and nature of social psychology. Paper presented at the Ohio Valley Sociological Society Meeting, May 1, 1964, Columbus, OH. [revised 1965] |
123 |
Haller, A., & Wolff, E. (1965). A note on "personality orientations of farm, village, and urban boys." Reprint from Rural Sociology (30) 3, 338-340. |
122 |
Haller, A., & Lewis, D. (1966). The hypothesis of intersocietal similarity in occupational prestige hierarchies. Reprint from The American journal of sociology (72) 2, 210-216. |
69 |
Haller, A. (1966). Occupational choices of rural youth. Reprint from Journal of cooperative extension (Summer), 93-102. |
130 |
Haller, A., & Sewell, W. (1967). Occupational choices of Wisconsin farm boys. Rural Sociology (32) 1, 37-55. |
7 |
Haller, A. (1968). Education and the occupational achievement process. In Rural poverty in the United States (pp.149-169). University of Wisconsin: U.S. Government Printing Office. |
125 |
Haller, A. (1968). On the concept of aspiration. Reprint from Rural Sociology (33) 4, 484-487. |
104 |
Haller, A. (1968). Rural poverty in the United States. In: Education and the occupational achievement process. Washington D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office. |
100 |
Haller, A., & Borgatta, E. (1968). Rural Sociology in 1967. The American Sociologist (3 November) 4, 289-290. |
124 |
Portes, A., & Haller, A., & Sewell, W. (1968). Professional-executive vs. farming as unique occupational choices. Reprint from Rural Sociology (33) 2, 153-159. |
72 |
Duncan, O.D., & Haller. A., & Portes, A. (1968). Peer influences on aspirations: A reinterpretation. In The American journal of sociology. (74)2, 119-137. |
33 |
Haller, A., Woelfel, J., & Fink, E. (1969). The Wisconsin significant other battery. In The Wisconsin significant other battery. (pp.171-335). |
120 |
Haller, A., & Woelfel, J. (1969). Identifying significant others and measuring their expectations for a person. [Proceedings of XXII Congress of the International Institute of Sociology]. In International Journal of Sociology (5) 3, 395-429. Rome. [note this is a different version, but the same article, as #3] |
105 |
Sewell, W., & Haller, A., & Portes, A. (1969). The educational and early occupational attainment process. In American sociological review (34) 1, 82-92. American Sociological Association. |
134 |
Haller, A., Woelfel, J., & Fink, E. (1969). The Wisconsin significant other battery. In The Wisconsin significant other battery. Final Report, Project No. 5-1170, Grant No. OEG-3-051170-1992, U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare. [note: this is the same as #32-33 but those are images and this is searchable] |
32 |
Haller, A., Woelfel, J., & Fink, E. (1969). The Wisconsin significant other battery. In The Wisconsin significant other battery. (pp.1-171). [note: this is the same as #134 but that version is searchable and has a cover sheet] |
108 |
Haller, A. (1969). Rural education and the educational and occupational attainments of youth. University of Wisconsin. |
3 |
Haller, A., & Woelfel, J. (1969) Identifying significant others and measuring their expectations for a person. Proceedings of Actes du Vingt-Deuxieme Congres de l'institute International de Sociologie [Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Congress of the International Institute of Sociology], Rome. International Journal of Sociology, 5. [English] [note this is a different version, but the same article, as #120] |
5 |
Sewell, W., & Haller, A., & Ohlendorf, G. (1970). The educational and early occupational status attainment process: Replication and revision. In American sociological review (35), 1014-1027 |
109 |
Haller, A. (1970). Changes in the structure of status systems. Reprint from Rural Sociology. (35) 4, 469-487. |
99 |
Haller, A. (1970). Recent changes in rural stratification in Rio de Janeiro In: Zimmerman and R. deWors (Eds), Sociology of underdevelopement. Toronto. Copp-Clark. |
98 |
Haller, A. (1970). Societal change. Annual meeting: Rural Sociological Society. [Haller appears on pages 20, 23, and 24]. |
111 |
Sewell, W., & Haller, A., & Ohlendorf, G. (1970). The educational and early occupational status attainment process: Replication and revision. In: American sociological review (35), 1014-1027. |
31 |
Haller, A. (1970). Recent changes in rural stratification in Rio de Janeiro. In Sociology of underdevelopment. (pp.191-204). Copp clark publishing company. |
29 |
Haller, A. (1971). What constitutes quality of living? In The quality of rural living: Proceedings of a workshop. (pp.3-7). Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences. |
24 |
Haller, A. (1971). Peer influences on aspirations: A reinterpretation. In Casual models in the social sciences. (pp.219-244). Aldine-Atherton. |
119 |
Haller, A. (1971). Review of Muzafer Sherif. Journal of human resources (6), 262-263. Chicago: Aldine Publishing Co. |
2 |
Haller, A. (1971). Structural changes in status stratification systems (Prepared for meetings Western Agricultural Economics Research Council). University of California. |
137 |
Woelfel, J., & Haller, A. (1971). Significant others: The self-reflexive act and the attitude formation process. American Sociological Review, 36(1), 74-87. |
116 |
Gasson, R., & Haller, A., & Sewell, W. (1972). Attitudes and facilitation in the attainment of status. Arnold M. and Caroline Rose Monograph Series. |
131 |
Haller, A, & Saraiva, H.U. (1972). Status measurement and the variable discrimination hypothesis in an isolated Brazilian region. Reprint from Rural Sociology (37) 3, 325-351. |
58 |
Haller, A., & Holsinger, D., & Saraiva, H.U. (1972). Variations in occupational prestige hierarchies: Brazilian data. In American journal of sociology(77)5, 941-956. |
136 |
Haller, A., & Woelfel, J. (1972). Significant others and their expectations: Concepts and instruments to measure interpersonal influence on status aspirations. Rural Sociology, 37(4), 591-622. |
9 |
Haller, A. (1973). Observations on contemporary sociology. Education and research in rural sociology in Latin America.14, 26-38. |
62 |
Haller, A. (1973). Observaciones sobre sociología contemporánea (Observations on contemporary sociology). [written in Spanish] |
76 |
Haller, A., & Portes, A. (1973). Status Attainment Processes. In Sociology of education. (46), 51-91. |
78 |
Haller, A. (1973). What constitutes quality of living? [Proceedings of a workshop]. |
63 |
Haller, A. (1973). The prospects for rural sociology (Prepared for the annual meetings of the Pacific Sociological Association, Session 26 " Rural sociology: Dodo or Phoenix"). Scottsdale, Arizona. |
121 |
Hansen, D., & Haller, A. (1973). Status attainment of Costa Rican males: A cross-cultural test of a model. Reprint from Rural Sociology (38) 3, 269-282. |
36 |
Haller, A. (1973). Measuring income in the 1973 PNAD sample (unpublished). |
75 |
Haller, A. (1974). The social grading of occupations: A new approach and scale. In American journal of sociology. 253-256. |
64 |
Pastore, J.,& Bianchi, A.M., & Haller, A. (1974). Occupational preparation and the wages of middle-level workers in Sao Paulo's industrial labor force. |
77 |
Haller, A. (1974). The prospects for rural sociology. Paper prepared for Annual meetings of the Rural Sociological Society. Montreal, Canada. |
127 |
Haller, A., & Otto, L., Meier, R., & Ohlendorf, G. (1974). Level of occupational aspiration: An empirical analysis. In American sociological review (39) February, 113-121. |
128 |
Otto, L., & Haller, A., & Meier, R., & Ohlendorf, G. (1974). An empirical evaluation of a scale to measure occupational aspiration level. In Journal of vocational behavior 5, 1-11. |
126 |
Pastore, J., & Ceotto, E., & Haller, A., & Quirino, T., & Carter, T. (1975). Occupational wage differentials among university educated technical personnel in a developing economy. In Journal of vocational behavior (7), 113-126. Academic Press. |
73 |
Haller, A. (1975). Urban economic growth and changes in rural stratification: Rio de Janeiro 1953-1962. In America Latina. (10)4, 48-66. |
66 |
Pastore, J., & Haller, A., & Gomez-Buendia, H. (1975). Wage differentials in Sao Paulo's labor force. In Industrial relations(14)3, 345-357. |
26 |
Haller, A. (1975). Wage differentials in São Paulo's labor force.Industrial relations. 14(3), 345-357. University of California. |
67 |
Haller, A.(1976) The content dimensions of status: Theory and research needs. 4th World Congress of Rural Sociology. Torun, Poland. |
61 |
Woelfel, J., & Haller, A.(1976). Significant others, the self-reflexive act and the attitude formation process. In American sociological review(36), 74-87. |
68 |
Pastore, J., & Haller, A., Buendia, H. (1977). Training, position, and experience in the wage rates of specialised personnel an Sao Paulo's manufacturing firms. In Subbaiah Kannappan. 157-165. |
83 |
Haller, A. (1977). Status attainment theory: The state of the art. Prepared for The Sao Paulo Conference on the occupational and social mobility or the Brazilian labor force. University of Sao Paulo. |
12 |
Haller, A. (1977). The socioeconomic status of the Brazilian Labor Force. Luso-Brazilion Review. 14(1), 1-28. |
129 |
Hansen, D., & Haller, A. (1977). On Lin and Yauger's cross-national comparison of the process of occupational status achievement. In The American journal of sociology (82) 4, 854-857. University of Chicago. |
82 |
Pastore, J., & Haller, A. (1977). The socioeconomic status of the Brazilian labor force. In Luso-Brazilian Review. (14)1, 1-28. The University of Wisconsin System. |
84 |
Haller, A., & Spenner, K. (1977). Occupational income differentiation in status attainment. Rural Sociology. (42)4, 517-535. |
6 |
Haller, A. (1977). The socioeconomic status of the Brazilian Labor Force. Luso-Brazilian Review. 14(1), 1-28. |
11 |
Haller, A. (1977). Training, position, and experience in the wage rates of specialised personnel in Sao Paulo's manufacturing firms. Studies of urban labor market behavior in developing areas (pp.157-169). |
132 |
Olsen, M., & Bills, D. (1978). Description of validity and reliability for major variables, Chippewa County Youth Project. |
80 |
Haller, A. (1978). Reflections on Woelfel and the Galileo system. Prepared for The didactic seminar on metric multidimensional scaling. |
81 |
Bensman, M.R., & Haller, A. (1978). Locus of control and status attainment. Prepared for The Rural Sociological Society, San Francisco. |
79 |
Haller, A. (1978). Rural sociology in the late 20th century, Prepared for Rural Sociological Society Meetings. San Francisco. |
13 |
Haller, A. (1978). Preface. Luso-Brazilion Review. 15(2), 149-152. |
117 |
Haller, A. (1978). Status Attainment Process: Psychological Aspects. Prepared for Symposium on Socialization and the life cycle. University of Kentucky. |
19 |
Haller, A. (1979). Occupational prestige heirarchies: Theory and evidence. Contemporary sociology. 8(6), 721-734. |
27 |
Haller, A. (1979). Evidence for a social psychological view of the status attainment process: Four studies compared.An international journal of social research. 57(3), 887-914. |
1 |
Olsen, M., & Bills, D., & Haller, A. (1979). The measurement of political and income aspirations and expectations. Paper prepared for Annual meetings of the Rural Sociological Society. |
34 |
Haller, A., Olsen, M., & Bills, D. (1979). The measurment of political aspirations and expectations and income (unpublished paper). University of Wisconsin-Madison. |
60 |
Haller, A. & Miller, I. (1979). The occupational aspiration scale: Theory, structure, and correlates. Cambridge, MA: Schnkman Publishing Company, Inc. [see item #140 for 1963 (original?) version] |
49 |
Haller, A. (1980). A status attainment research program: 1956-1980. University of Wisconsin. (unpublished paper). |
35 |
Haller, A. (1980). Remarks presented at William H. Sewell's retirement banquet. In The Wisconsin sociologist(18)1, 39-42. |
48 |
Haller, A. (1981) Antecedents of income differences: Complimentary hypotheses from confliting theoriesSeminar of the ISA Committee on stratification and mobility research Paris. |
118 |
Haller, A., & Schil, M. (1981). Papers on social mobility, employment, and income of Brazil's people: Selections from a symposium. In: Luso-Brazillian Review (18). 1, 1-3. |
51 |
Bills, D. (1981). Measuring income in the 1973 PNAD sample. (unpublished paper). |
15 |
Haller, A. (1981). Papers on the social mobility, employment, and income of Brazil's people: Selections from a symposium. Luso-Brazilion Review. 18(1), 1-4. [Note: 1981 on cover but 1980 inside] |
16 |
Haller, A. (1981). Migration and socioeconomic status in Brazil: Interregional and rural-urban variations in education, occupation status, and income. Luso-Brazilion Review. 18(1), 117-138. [Note: 1981 on cover but 1980 inside] |
18 |
Haller, A. (2010). Elite stratum analysis: Brazilian data (Staff seminar paper). Australian National University. Amherst, NY: RAH Press. [written in 1981]. |
47 |
Haller, A., & Macedo, M. (1981). Speeches made by Hon. Murillo Macedo, Minister of Labor and Professor Archibald O. Haller, University of Wisconsin. (unpublished). |
46 |
Haller, A. (1982). Forward to Inequality and Social Mobility in Brazil (pp.xi-xvi). University of Wisconsin Press. |
45 |
Haller, A. (1982). Reflections on the social psychology of status attainment. In Social structure and behavior: Essays in honor of William Hamilton Sewell. (pp.3-28). Academic press. |
50 |
Haller, A. (1982). Stratification and development: The Brazilian case. (unpublished paper). |
41 |
Pastore, J., & Haller, A. (1982). Social mobility under labor market segmentation in Brazil. In Social structure and behavior: Essays in honor of William Hamilton Sewell. (pp.113-140). Academic press. |
55 |
Haller, A. (1982). A socioeconomic regionalization of Brazil. In Geographical review(72)4, 450-464. |
22 |
Haller, A.(1983) Labour market segmentation, sex and income in Brazil. Proceedings of International industrial relations association: Sixth world congress, Kyoto. 183-191. |
52 |
Haller, A. (1983). Brazil: Poverty and inequality in the 1970's. In Brazil and Rio de la Plata 63-71. |
59 |
Haller, A.(1983) Stratification and development: Microregional variations in Brazil. Background papers for presentation to the Department of Sociology. John Hopkins University. [Papers titled, "A socioeconomic regionalization of Brazil" and "Stratification and development: The Brazilian case"]. [originally written in 1973]. |
70 |
Haller, A. (1983). Brazil (letter to the editor). In The new york times. |
56 |
Haller, A. (1983). The socioeconomic macroregions of Brazil-1970. Nagoya, Japan: United Nations Centre for Regional Development. (UNCRD Working Paper No. 83-2) |
71 |
Haller, A. (1983). Brazil (letter to the editor). In The economist. |
44 |
Haller, A., & Cary, J. (1984). Final report of an experiment to attempt to induce cognitive and behavioral changes by means of Galileo theory and methods. (unpublished paper). |
54 |
Pastore, J., Haller, A., Zylberstajn, H., & Pogotto, C.(1984). Young Brazilian workers in poor families. (unpublished paper). |
57 |
Pastore, J., Zylberstajn, H., Pogotto, C., & Haller, A. (1984). The decline in the incidence of extreme poverty in Brazil, 1970-1980: Final report to the Inter-American Foundation of a research project providing a statistical descriptionof Brazil's poor families. (unpublished paper). |
17 |
Haller, A. (1984). The effects of science and technology on development: Observations on strategies for research. In Science and technology indications for development. (pp.123-142). Westview press. |
25 |
Haller, A. (1984). Socioeconomic development and social stratification: Reassessing the Brazilian case.The journal of developing areas 19.(1), 59-69. Western Illinois University. |
39 |
Haller, A.(1985) Regional socioeconomic development levels in Brazil. Symposium on measuring the impact of science and technology on development in third world nations Los Angeles, California. |
37 |
Bills, D., Haller, A., Kelley, J., Olsen, M., & Pastore, J. (1985). Class, class origins, regional socioeconomic development and the status attainment of Brazilian men. In Social stratification and mobility (4), 89-127. |
38 |
Bills, D., Godfrey, D., & Haller, A. (1985). A scale to measure the socioeconomic status of occupations in Brazil. Rural Sociology(50) 2, 225-250. |
42 |
Haller, A., & Sarvaiva, H. (1985). Education and research in Brazil: A summary of research (unpublished paper). |
43 |
Sarvaiva, H., & Ward, R. (1985). The measurement of socioeconomic status of occupations in Brazil--1982 PNAD: A preliminary note. (unpublished paper). |
53 |
Cary, J.W., & Haller, A. (1986). The impact of Galileo Theory as a mass persuasion technique: Experience with the adoption of an agricultural technology. Salt Lake City, Utah. (unpublished paper). |
65 |
Trevizan, S., Saraiva, H. U., Haller, A. (1986). Effects of education and school attendance on the income of working class Brazilians in the core, the periphery and agriculture. (Project Working Paper) |
145 |
Haller, A. (1987) [revised 1997] The Laws of Research Innovation: "Haller's Laws". |
30 |
Haller, A., & Saraiva, H. (1991). Ascription and status transmission in Brazil. In Status influences in third world labor markets: Caste, gender, and custom. (pp.63-93). Walter and gruyter. |
14 |
Haller, A. (1992). Power: How Brazil works. Luso-Brazilion Review. 29(1), 115-120. |
40 |
Haller, A., & Saraiva, H. (1992) Income and education: Brazil, 1982. 11th world congress of sociology New Delhi, India. |
28 |
Haller, A., Torrecilha, R., Haller, M., & Tourinho, M. (1996). The socioeconomic development levels of the people of Amazonian Brazil--1970 and 1980. In The Journal of Developing Areas, (30)3, 293-315. Macomb, IL: Western Illinois University. |
23 |
Sharda, B. D., Miller, I., & Haller, A. O. (1998). Concepts and indicators of development: An empirical analysis. In Proshanta K. Nandi, & Shahid M. Shahidullah (Ed.s), Globalization and the evolving world society, (pp. 82-99, Vol. 71). Boston, MA: Brill. |
10 |
Haller, A. (2000). Levels of socio-economic population in the Brazilian Amazon. Health sciences history: Visions of the Amazon. 6, 941-974. |
135 |
Haller, A. (2000) Societal stratification. In E. Borgatta & R. Montgomery (Eds.), Encyclopedia of sociology (2nd ed., Vol 4, pp. 2864-2874). New York: Macmillan Reference, USA. |
21 |
Haller, A. (2000). A estrutura de estratificação do Brasil: Um programa de trinta e cinco anos de pesquisa [The structure of stratification in Brazil: A program of thirty-five years of research]. Teoria & Sociedade: Revista dos departamentos de Ciência politica e de sociologia e antropologia [Theory & Society: Journal of the Departments of Political Science and Sociology and Anthropology]. 5, 9-47. [Article in Portuguese] |
20 |
Haller, A. (2001). Estratificação societária [Social stratification]. Teoria & Sociedade: Revista dos departamentos de Ciência politica e de sociologia e antropologia [Theory & Society:
Journal of the Departments of Political Science and Sociology and Anthropology]. 7, 70-94. [Article in Portuguese] |
4 |
Haller, A. (2003). Sociology today and in the past. Magazine Anhanguera, 4(1), 13-52. [English] |
8 |
Haller, A. (2006). Empirical theory of social stratification based on power - an overview. sociology in Transformation: Social survey of XXI century. 2, 63-66. |
139 |
Haller, W. J. and Haller, A. O. (2009). Household Socioeconomic Status Scales: Theoretic Anomalies? Population Review, 48(2). |
144 |
Haller, A. (2009). Empirical stratification theory: Ibn Khaldun (1377) to today. Population Review, 48(2). 10.1353/prv.0.0019 http://muse.jhu.edu/login?auth=0&type=summary&url=/journals/population_review/v048/48.2.haller.pdf |
141 |
Haller, A. O., (2011). A Sociologist. Buffalo, NY: RAH Press. [Dr. Haller's autobiography] |
143 |
Haller, A. (October 15, 2012). Empirical theory of stratification, its evolution: Ibn Khaldun (1377) to today. University of Arizona Department of Sociology, Tucson, AZ. Text of this lecture may be obtained by contacting the author at haller@ssc.wisc.edu |
142 |
Kelley, J. & Haller, A. (2014). Who benefits from economic growth? Work and pay in Brazil, 1973-1988. Accepted for publication in Population Review. |